14% of people indicate that they will travel in 2020, Thomas Cook India and SOTC Travel jointly release Survey Report

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Thomas Cook India and SOTC Travel jointly release Survey Report - measures customer perceptions/preferences for Holiday Travel post the COVID-19 pandemic

• 14% of respondents indicate that they will travel in 2020- when restrictions ease

• 64% are likely to opt for a domestic holiday in 2020; 36% for an international tour

• 75% ranked health & safety as their #1 concern; 72% opting for reputed brands

Mumbai, May 19, 2020: Thomas Cook (India) Ltd., India’s leading integrated travel services company, along with its Group company SOTC Travel Ltd. surveyed over 2500 consumers across India’s metros and Tier 1 & 2 cities

(including Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Pune, Lucknow, Guwahati, Jamnagar, Surat, Vizag, Indore, Jaipur, etc.), covering 4 age groups: below 30 years, 31-44 years, 45-59 years and 60

years and above; 76% being in the 28-55 age segment. The Holiday Readiness Travel Report - Future of Travel post-COVID-19 reflects key consumer behaviours and trends. Key findings include:

Travel is set to rebound - Indians will continue to Travel: 14% of respondents indicated that they are likely to travel in 2020 once restrictions are lifted. While 45% of respondents plan to defer their holiday to 2021, 41% are undecided. The festive seasons were preferred in 2020: either November (29%) or December (50%).

Key Travel Drivers: 72% of respondents preferred reputed brands across their journey - including tour operators, hotel chains, etc. Health & Safety ranks as the primary concern for 75% respondents; with 35% willing to

increase their spends to ensure the same.


Domestic Tourism is set to take centre stage: A domestic holiday was the first choice of 64% respondents.

Destinations selected were Ladakh (20%), Goa (17%), North East (15%), Kerala (11%); Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir followed closely; Bhutan (17%) in the Indian sub-continent. Destinations at a driveable distance were

also preferred, including Coorg, Ooty, Mussoorie, Shimla, Amritsar, Munnar, etc.

36% of respondents showed a preference for an international holiday. Short-haul destinations (Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi) saw strong interest (41%). Long-haul destinations that traditionally witness demand in Q4 also featured, like Australia & New Zealand (20%); USA (16%). What is noteworthy is the significant demand for Europe at 38%; favoured destinations included Switzerland, France, Germany, UK, Czech Republic.

Size of Group: Respondents displayed a noticeable preference towards travelling in smaller groups- primarily due to health/hygiene. 63% respondents were inclined to travel solo, with their immediate/extended family or friends/colleagues; 25% respondents preferred to travel in small groups of below 20 co-travellers and 12% opted for a group size of approximately 35+.

Holiday Duration: 86% of respondents chose a holiday duration between 4-11 days (51% preferring 4-7 days,

35% preferring 8-11 days); 14% opted for a holiday of over 12 days.

A shift in Holiday Spending Patterns - Value-centric/Pocket-Friendly Holidays: 67% of respondents stated that they would spend less than Rs. 1 lakh per person on their next holiday, while 11% said that they would

spend up to Rs. 2 lakhs per person.


Booking Channels: Consumers continued to express interest in a personal touch/reassurance to their travel booking experience- with 58% opting to purchase holidays through retail outlets or home service (38% retail and

20% home visits). This was followed by 40% opting for online channels (Website/App) and 12% stating a preference for video chat.

2020 sotc travel cook india destinations respondents preferred thomas cook india thomas cook travel domestic holiday