SITE India announces new board for 2021-2023

SITE India Chapter has declared the New Board for 2021-2023 and the details are as follows:

The board that shall head Site India Chapter will consists of the following:

  • Mr. Nitin Sachdeva serving as President
  • Mr. Naveen Rizvi serving as Vice President
  • Mr. Barun Gupta serving as Vice President Secretariat
  • Mr. Vikrant Gulani serving as Vice President Finance
  • Mr. Sanjeev Joshi serving as Immediate Past President
  • Mr. Anup Nair serving as Past President
  • Mr. Ajay Vinayak, Mr. Amaresh Tiwari, Mr. Ashwani Nayar, Mr. Atulya Joshi serving as Board Members
  • Mr. Rajeev Kohli will serve as Mentor.

SITE India has put their faith in the New and a Young team backed by the experience and legacy of leaders who have founded and served on the SITE India Chapter since its inception.

SITE India will come out with a power packed year with activities which will help its members and associate partners to not only drive business but provide the necessary tools and education to get ahead in the Incentive Travel Business.
