HospiBuz Desk
At a private event in Shanghai on 5th September, giant manufacturer Barry Callebaut revealed what we can say as Ruby “the 4th type of chocolate”. Chocolate experts from all over the world were gathered in Shanghai to assist in the revolution. Ruby chocolate was developed after 10 years of research and testing. It was a really big deal as after 80 years from the invention of white chocolate R&D department of the company invented this kind of chocolate.
The chocolate’s pink colour is a natural colour. It’s made from beans grown in the Ivory Coast, Ecuador, and Brazil; the colour “comes from the powder extracted during processing.” Callebaut describes its taste as “a tension between berry fruitiness and luscious smoothness.
Producers think this new product can boost the sales in the struggling global chocolate market and ruby chocolate raises the possibility that next Valentine's Day may arrive with store shelves full of naturally pink chocolate hearts.