Apeejay Surrendra Park Hotels to manage The Denmark Tavern, the oldest hotel in India

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The Tavern was established in 1786 in what was then Fredricksnagore. The two-storeyed structure by the Hooghly is the place where the Danes had kept their flagstaff and cannons. The Tavern was a place to meet and stay for traders, clergy and travellers exploring Bengal.

In 2010 – 11, more than 200 years after the tavern’s heyday, a group of restoration experts studied the building that stood in complete ruins surrounded by debris. It took around two years to restore the Tavern to its former glory as part of the Serampore Initiative, a restoration programme for several Danish heritage structures led by the National Museum of Denmark and funded by Realdania, a private trust in Denmark, in collaboration with West Bengal State Heritage Commission, and Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH).The refurnished building has a cafe, inspired by the double height central atrium of the Indian Coffee House in Kolkata and six high-ceilinged spacious rooms.

Priya Paul, chairperson, Apeejay Surrendra Park Hotels, said, “We are delighted to manage The Denmark Tavern on behalf of the West Bengal Government. THE Park Hotels will build on the rich legacy of the Tavern and bring it and the area back to life. The hotel will soon be buzzing with guests enjoying a quiet break on the banks of Hooghly and the sights and sounds of old-world Serampore and beyond.”

Vijay Dewan, managing director, Apeejay Surrendra Park Hotels, said, “We are honoured to partner with the Government of West Bengal to operate this iconic heritage property. The Denmark Tavern will be a wonderful addition to THE Park Collection and will bring about immersive experiences.”

The restored Denmark Tavern will fall under The Park Collection brand of The Park Hotels. The Denmark Tavern will have The Park Hotel’s design aesthetics and will open by September 2018.

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