Dreaming About a Leisure Break? New concept by Urivergate Karjat with the Night Owl

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Dreaming About a Leisure Break? New concept by Urivergate Karjat with the Night Owl

Well, Late Night Sale promotions in the virtual world of ours has been an ongoing trend that has the whole nation hooked to their mobile sets all night long …just to grab the elusive retail deals before it is declared sold off.


URivergate Karjat has it all sorted out with its Night Owl Offer that is on every Friday of the week from 12pm to 12am… (no one needs to miss out on a wink of a sleep to avail this steal of an offer).


Also, one doesn’t need to wait for the weekend to arrive to take a break to this breathtaking nature bound destination. The 33% discount offer is for a weekday stay (Sunday to Thursday) and includes complimentary recreational facilities like a horse ride and a bicycle tour of the property. A scrumptious breakfast will be served whenever, wherever as per one’s desire that is either at the restaurant or at ones room or by the pool side; and lastly guests can enjoy & pump up their adrenaline level with some thrilling adventure activities (except kayaking), which is available at flat 50% discount.


“We at Urivergate Karjat believe that fun times need not be only on a weekend, we like to encourage people to make their holiday plans on any day of the week too. The only conditions that need to be kept in mind is that this offer can be booked only on a Friday, its non-refundable, cannot be clubbed with other offers and the book stay cannot be on a Friday & Saturday.”

Prateek Dharkar, Director Operations – South Asia / ME | Absolute Hotel

So, don’t let the sundown on your weekday break…avail this owl some offer and head down to URivergate Karjat, which is your go to destination for pure leisure.


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