Easy ‘Vegan Pumpkin Pasta’ recipe by Del Monte



Del Monte Extra Virgin Olive Oil2 TBSP
chickpea Flour Or Besan¼ Cup
Coconut Milk½ Cup
Pumpkin Puree1 Cup
Italian Seasoning Mix2 TBSP
Black Pepper Powder1 TBSP
Red Chilli Flakes1 TBSP
Dry Italian Herbs1 TBSP
Cooked Or Boiled Del Monte Whole Spirali Pasta2 Cup
Salt to Taste


  1. In a pan, heat Del Monte extra virgin olive oil. Add and roast chickpea flour or besan.
  2. Next, add coconut milk. Whisk and mix to form a thick paste.
  3. Then, add the pumpkin puree and cook for 5 minutes on low heat.
  4. Add black pepper powder, dry Italian herb, salt and Italian Seasoning Mix, red chilli flakes and mix well.
  5. Further, add the boiled or cooked Del Monte whole Spirali pasta to the freshly prepared pumpkin sauce. Mix well.
  6. Finally, garnish the pumpkin pasta with coriander leaves and serve hot.
