Ahmedabad, April: The Hotel and Restaurant Association of Western India (HRAWI) and the Hotel and Restaurant Association of Gujarat (HRA-Gujarat) have submitted a representation to the Hon’ble Prime Minister – Shri Narendra Modi to allow takeaway and home delivery services till 12 am for hotels and restaurants in the State. The Associations have expressed agreement with the Gujarat Government’s decision to impose restrictions for controlling the spread however, taking into consideration the industry’s year-long crises, have pleaded to the Government for some leeway. The Associations have stated that there are over 35,000 hotels, restaurants, small food eateries and cafes across the State that provide direct employment to 10 to 12 lakh people. With the current restrictions, most of these people will be rendered jobless.
“The food and Hospitality industry is under severe crisis for over a year now. Many small entrepreneurs could not survive sustained losses for such a long period and have closed their business. The industry is in dire need of support from the Government to balance its economics and sustain. A failed industry will not only bankrupt the owners and entrepreneurs but will also render lakhs of people jobless. Taking all of this into consideration, we request the Hon’ble PM to permit takeaway and home delivery services in Gujarat till 12 am,” says Mr. Sherry Bhatia, President, HRAWI.
Gujarat’s Hospitality industry is one of the largest contributors to India’s GST collection, making it one of India’s top five States with the highest GST collection. The industry supports approximately 2 to 3 lakh people in the organized segment and 40,000 to 50,000 unskilled suppliers and vendors are connected with this industry.
“Many families survive on the single income of delivery personnel. Many migrants residing in the State for various purposes including job, study, medical reasons depend on food delivered to them from restaurants and eateries. Also, there are several households where all family members have fallen prey to COVID19 and they too are dependent on food ordered in. Allowing takeaway and delivery services will help the industry to survive and will also ensure that the Government is not burdened with granting any major reliefs,” concludes Mr. Narendra Somani, President, HRA Gujarat & Executive Committee Member, HRAWI.