Hospitality! We have in our blood


HospiBuz Desk 

India has always been considered a culturally rich country with diverse food habitats, traditions, beliefs, social customs, etc, all of these diversities makes the country unique in itself, but even after many variants there is one thing in common in the religions practiced in India i;e “Atithi Devo Bhavah”.

Indian culture from decades has been pure and highly genuine towards guest welcoming with time its turns out to be a prominent commercial area called The Indian Hospitality Industry. In India, the traditional services which are of a routine nature and confined, inbuilt and inherent within the family culture as one’s own tradition, have transformed to promising professional activity demanding marketing industry. With emergence and modernization, the question which arises is that the Indian Hospitality Industry is forgetting its authenticity?

With the emergence of technologies and upcoming ways of greeting hosting a guest experience, the hotel industry can make wonder in exhibiting the Indian authentic culture back to its position which is gradually losing with over adaptation of westernization.

In my opinion, the hospitality industry is the conspicuous medium of exchanging Indian culture and heritage in the context of the whole guest experience. We exchange cultures on a large scale with arrivals of different country tourists in ours and vice-versa.

The hospitality industry is a major source of letting people experience authentic Indian culture and which can make the world adapt to the cultures of India.

The emergence of globalization and the integration of the world economy brought a sea change in the perception of traditional hospitality services and it is viewed in a new way. There has been a paradigm shift from hospitality being a social obligation to a commercial proposition meant for marketing. The economy started thriving and increased marketing opportunities in India acted as a stimulus for the Indian hospitality industry, the operators need to drive their attention to formulate and use the Indian Cultures to grow further, with only unique you can progress.
