Bread Day & International Chef Day celebrated at Ajeenkya D Y Patil University School of Hotel Management

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Bread Day & International Chef Day celebrated at Ajeenkya D Y Patil University School of Hotel Management

International Chef Day:

Celebrated by giving certificate of appreciation to the Executive Chef Mauli Chougale from Lemon Tree and Executive Chef Mahesh Shinde from Jadhav gad hotel.

Principal Dr Sandip Tapkir welcome the chefs and honor them with the certificate of appreciation and a Momento for their contribution toward hotel industry. Dr Tapkir emphasis the need of chef’s appreciation and honoring the them. He also added to his speech about bread day celebration and the hard work students and staff taken to organize this event.

Chef Chougale delivered a speech and mentioned the point of successful chefs is constant hard work and innovative thought into food production is the key for the success.


Chef Mahesh expressed his thought on modern day requirement of the chefs to be more customer friendly rather than only cooking at the gas ranges. The role of the chef has changed in the modern cuisine. We have gust celebrity bakery chef Navneet Walia who share her practical skill with students giving demonstration of making cakes.


WORLD BREAD DAY: Celebrated at Ajeenkya D Y Patil University School o

students work chefs certificate thought tapkir mahesh International Chef Day giving chougale appreciation speech chef mahesh certificate of appreciation chef bread executive chef hard work executive hotel celebrated