Mango Fiesta special at The Finch 

New Update
Mango Fiesta special at The Finch 

MANGO STICKY RICE (Khao Niao Mamuang)

Ingredients: -

Serves 6

½ cups glutinous (sweet) rice

1⅓ cups well-stirred canned unsweetened coconut milk

⅓ cup plus 3 tablespoons palm sugar

¼ teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon moong dal without skin, toasted lightly.

3 large mangos, peeled, pitted, and cut into thin slices.

Direction: -

Step 1

In a bowl wash rice well in several changes of cold water at least 6 times or until water is clear. Soak rice in cold water to cover overnight.

Step 2

Drain rice well in a sieve. Set sieve over a large deep saucepan of simmering water (sieve should not touch water) and steam rice, covered with a kitchen towel and a lid, 30 to 40 minutes, or until tender (check water level in pan occasionally, adding more water if necessary).

Step 3

While rice is cooking, in a small saucepan bring 1 cup coconut milk to a boil with ⅓ cup palm sugar and salt, stirring until sugar is dissolved, and remove from heat. Keep mixture warm.

Step 4

Transfer cooked rice to a bowl and stir in coconut-milk mixture. Let rice stand, covered, 30 minutes, or until coconut-milk mixture is absorbed. Rice may be prepared up to this point 2 hours ahead and kept covered at room temperature.

Step 5

While rice is standing, in cleaned small pan slowly boil remaining ⅓ cup coconut milk with remaining 3 tablespoons palm sugar, stirring occasionally, 1 minute. Transfer sauce to a small bowl and chill until cool and thickened slightly.

Step 6

To serve, mould ¼ cup servings of sticky rice on dessert plates. Drizzle rice with sauce and sprinkle with toasted moong dal. Divide mango slices among plates.


sugar cold water coconut milk milk moong dal coconut sticky rice water cup step