Meghalaya launches a stunning film as a part of the ‘Trip Now, Travel Later’

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‘Trip Now, Travel Later’, initiative as a symbol of hope and what awaits travelers in Meghalaya

'Trip Now, Travel Later’ is a film about the relentless human spirit, the forever wandering mind, a film of hope. The video was created by YAAP Digital with a vision of capturing the scenic beauty of Meghalaya’s natural landscape showcasing the mountains, rivers, and waterfalls of ‘The Land of Clouds’ as a reminder that travelers can still get a taste of the untouched, pristine beauty that awaits them in Meghalaya on the other side of these difficult times. The core message of the video is to stay safe, in hopes of a better tomorrow and keep imagining when we can again travel, tell, transform. #TripNowTravelLater. Meghalaya awaits you.
The film was posted by the Chief Minister of Meghalaya across his social media channels:


Link to the film:

Meghalaya hope film beauty awaits travelers travel trip video