Nut & Bowls introduces a new range of products

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Nut & Bowls introduces a new range of products

It has introduced Almond Mylk and increased the production range with  Vegan Gluten-free cookies, Bread, Rawtella

New Delhi, August 24, 2019: Nut & Bowls, Capital's first vegan cafe, has announced the in house production of Almond Mylk, which will be available in glass bottles of 300 ml. The Mylk is made fresh everyday and does not contain any preservatives. To start with, the product will be available in South Delhi localities.

Talking about the new range product, Surruchhi Josshi, co-founder, Nut & Bowls, said, "We are dedicated towards providing complete vegan lifestyle to the consumers. This is our effort to make sure that they lead a health life. This is why the Mylk is raw, vegan, lactose-free, plant-based, and has no sugar. We are sure that the people will love it and soon we will start delivering in other parts of the Capital."


Apart from Almond Mylk, the cafe has also increased the production range with Vegan Gluten-free cookies, Bread, and Rawtella. The cookies are vegan and gluten-free, one is almond & choco-chip and the other is Raagi. Bread is almond & quinoa and coconut oatmeal gluten-free. Rawtella is vegan Nutella infused with raw plant-based organic Cacao and coconut palm sugar.


In fact, the best-selling animal-friendly products of Nut & Bowls at the cafe include milk alternatives such as thick Almond mylk in flavours of hazelnut, cinnamon, and pistachio and coconut mylk. "We do not use any chemical and preservative in any of our products. From almond mylk to nut butter, and granola to dips and sauces, whatever comes to the table is sourced from plants and nature only. For desserts, refined sugar is replaced by 100 per cent organic maple syrup, dates and jaggery. For shakes and drinks, dairy milk is replaced by the plant-based mylks and nuts," adds Josshi.

Home delivery of Almond Mylk will be available for an order not less than Rs 500 and two bottles will be delivered in the subscription. "Not only to animals, Nut & Bowls is compassionate to the Mother Earth as well. Considering the harmful impact of large-scale use of plastic on the environment, we say no to plastic and that is why Mylk is available in glass bottles. We use paper and jute bags instead of polybags, starch-made straws are used instead of plastic straws, and glass jars instead of plastic containers. Moreover, plastic debris endangers animals’ lives, too. There have been many cases where stray animals die because of eating openly thrown plastic debris," says Nikkhil Josshi, co-founder, Nut  & Bowls.

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