Please do something about the Noise!


HospiBuz Desk 

The struggle of Quieter Restaurants

To find quieter restaurants for dining, until this would have been a challenge given that to cities like Mumbai it’s known to be one of the noisiest cities in the world. The decibel level at many restaurants far exceeds this pleasant thrum. The average sound level recorded in restaurants taken between 6 pm to 9 pm is 80dB.

The knock-on effects are clear, both those with or without hearing loss had experienced difficulty holding a conversation while eating out. Eight out ten people reportedly having left a restaurant or cafe because of the noise.

So why are they so Loud? The restaurant trade is “A young person’s game”

Noises breeds noises, even limited background music lead to shouted exchanges, as speakers raise their voices in order to be heard. Remember dining isn’t just about food and services, it’s about the whole experience. Restaurants are built from hard reflective surfaces that make the space beautiful and easy to keep clean but render the room unfriendly due to the unwelcome echo levels the end result will be your repeat customers will start dining elsewhere.
Modern restaurant designers aren’t helping they love bare brick, filament light bulbs, vaulted ceiling rather than soft, sound deadening surfaces. The hard insulation means that sound reflects and reverberates

Restaurant sound proofing is a necessary step to control noise levels, when you protect your guests you protect your future, to get a quieter restaurant will mat cost you. However, there are cheaper fixes. Restaurants could provide quiet areas, certainly away from the speakers and kitchen and whenever a restaurant can introduce soft purchasing something that absorbs the sound and hence guest will be more comfortable and without these control in place, the acoustics are generally poor.

To make the restaurant appreciate the value of bringing sounds levels down, the perception that hits is “everybody is having fun”. Noise doesn’t create a pleasant atmosphere for all and also noise reduction doesn’t have to mean killing the vibe it is to create a space enough to absorb sounds to make speech easy.

All this noise can’t be good enough for business, particularly given that one recent study found that loud noises compromise taste, many restaurateurs probably doesn’t realise how bad things have got. For city dwellers especially, life, in general, is extremely loud but to provide your guests with a wholesome experience is an essential part of your operation, finding better solutions and spots might just make your meals out more enjoyable.
