Pumpkin Risotto

New Update
Pumpkin Risotto

1.Heat one tablespoon oil in a pan. Add two tablespoons butter, garlic and onion and sauté.

2. Add pumpkin slices and sauté for two minutes. Add rice and mix. Add a little vegetable stock and cook.

3.Once the stock is absorbed add some more stock and continue in this way till all the stock is used up. Add salt and white pepper powder.

4.Cover and cook. When almost done add pumpkin puree and mix.

Add milk and mix and continue to cook till most of the liquid is absorbed.

Add two tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese and cook till the rice is completely done

5.. Sprinkle remaining Parmesan cheese and serve hot

tablespoons absorbed rice parmesan pumpkin sauté stock mix parmesan cheese cheese Pumpkin Risotto cook continue