Sweet Easter Recipes: Pastry Chef, Waqar Ahmed, Hilton Bangalore Embassy GolfLinks

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Sweet Easter Recipes: Pastry Chef, Waqar Ahmed, Hilton Bangalore Embassy GolfLinks


Ingredients Quantity

Plain flour 150 Gms

Baking powder 1 tsp Salt ½ tsp Caster sugar 160Gms.

Baking soda 1 Gm

Egg 2 Nos

Butter 115 Gms

Vanilla essence 2 Gms

Lemon juice 25Ml

Poppy seed 40 Gms

Lemon peel 50 Gms

To serve

Lemon syrup 50 Gms.

Whip cream 20 Gms

Fresh berry 20 Gms

Method of preparation


· Sift the flour, baking powder, salt and baking soda into a large bowl. In a separate bowl or jug.

· Cream the butter and sugar together and add egg slowly, add all the dry ingredient at last add lemon juice and candy.

· Pour the mixture in desire cake ring, bake at 180c for 25 to 30 min.

· after baking pour lemon syrup on cake

· Serve with fresh berry.

· Serve warm cake with cream.

· Serve cake with chocolate syrup


Ingredients Quantity

Plain flour 175 Gms

Baking powder 3 Gms Salt ½ tsp Caster sugar 175Gms.

Baking soda 1 Gm

Egg 3 Nos

Oil 120 Ml

Vanilla essence 2 Gms

Carrot 150Gms

Cinnamon powder 2 Gms

To decorate

Marzipan 50 Gms.

Cream frosting 20 Gms

Marzipan carrot 30 Gms

Method of preparation


· Sift the flour, baking powder, salt and baking soda into a large bowl. In a separate bowl.

· Whip egg and sugar together, add your grated carrot, add the entire dry ingredient.

· Pour the mixture in desire cake ring, bake at 190c for 25 to 30 min.

· After baking keep on cooling rack.

· Serve with cream frosting.

· Garnish with marzipan.

· Garnish with marzipan carrot.


Ingredients Quantity

Dark chocolate 300 Gms

Marzipan 100 Gms

Cocoa butter 50 GMS

Sugar fondant 50 Gm

Method of preparation


· Melt the chocolate on double boiler.

· Get it cool till 29c

· Pour into egg moulds

· Freeze it for 10 min

· Demould it and give the shape with the help of marzipan and sugar fondant.

· Spray with cocoa butter and chocolate.

· Gifts your friends and family

· pour the mixture vanilla essence 2 gms sift the flour baking powder salt and baking soda salt ½ tsp caster sugar salt ½ tsp caster powder salt and baking soda powder salt and baking pour the mixture in desire mixture in desire cake ring mixture in desire cake flour baking powder salt desire cake ring bake baking soda 1 gm baking powder salt and baking 25 to 30 min ½ tsp caster sugar · sift the flour baking Hilton Bangalore Embassy GolfLinks · sift the flour