The Secret Ingredient’s Behind The Capital’s Pizza Craze!


Great pizza isn’t always loaded up to the brim with ingredients. Sometimes, it’s about fewer ingredients, pared back, and used in specific magic ratios that make the end result taste amazing. Of course, the basics like dough and sauces form the backbone of the pizza, but the toppings are what get you excited to eat a good pizza, no?

Baking Bad’s one of the few brands that puts a lot of thought into the quality of their toppings. We’re all familiar with classic toppings, aren’t we? We’ve all had jalapeños, tandoori chicken and pesto drizzles… But Baking Bad takes it up several notches, even adding textural elements that make the experience of devouring your pizza all the more rewarding. 

Imagine the crunch of fried basil as you bite into that top layer of cheese. Or how about the signature Hot Honey hitting your palate and adding a surprising injection of flavour? Have you tried a pizza that’s garnished with spicy green chillies, or one that features delicious banana peppers? Baking Bad’s living up to their name (IYKYK), and has cooked up recipes that add an element of surprise to everyday pizza. It’s what makes them the capital’s most-ordered pizza brand, for over 8 years!

So, order in, and try something that’s exotic, expertly prepared, and still comfortingly familiar… Perhaps a Burrata Margherita?

