Winter Specials At Poco Loco, Khar & South Bombay

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Winter Specials At Poco Loco, Khar & South Bombay

At Poco Loco, we believe that food and ambiance go hand in hand. We're keeping the winter spirit alive with live music that adds to the vibe and pairing our meal with a selection of hot beverages such as Spiked hot Chocolate and Hot Cream Cheese Teas in the flavors of Blueberry, Orange and Avocado. They also have specials such as Ponche, Horchata, Cinnamon Rice and Tequila-based drinks.


They have ensured you get a unique taste of winter with their exciting selections, from their delicious Green Green Festive Queen soup to their classic Strawberry Ceviche! One cannot go wrong with their Roast Turkey & Mole Chicken. For desserts, there's Berry Tres Leches and Hot Churros with dark as well as white chocolate. Hence rush to their outlet for a 'winter-ful' experience!


winter chocolate hand hot green