Women in India like their alcohol chilled and brewed: the growth of women beer lovers in India

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Women in India like their alcohol chilled and brewed: the growth of women beer lovers in India

International Women’s Day is here, and we can’t keep calm about getting our ladies their favorite pitcher of chilled and brewed beer! 

Year 2022 promises to bring change, progression and women’s favorite pint or a can of chilled and  brewed beer. There have been several myths when it comes to women drinking beer, like they can’t lift  kegs, getting a beer belly, assuming women prefer sweeter alcohol over beer, and avoiding anything  that flows towards the bitter side. Here’s a data that narrates a different story altogether. Women, by  nature, are experimental, they like to try everything from fruity to spicy and settle on a unique palette  depending on their preferences, just like men. 


According to a recent report by UBS (a global research firm), 7.5% of alcohol consumers in India are  women, and according to a survey conducted by Community Against Drunken Driving (CADD), the  number of women drinking alcohol has increased and is expected to grow by 25% over the next five  years. Interestingly, adult women in metro cities in India are binge drinking alcohol and leaning more  towards beer.  

In today’s day and age, women prefer beer over hard liquor for its health benefits, low alcohol content  and calories, zero to no carbs and fat or cholesterol. Beer is an all-natural alcohol; it is not made from  preservatives and is only processed, which makes it a much healthier and smarter choice over other  hard alcohol. 

Women are not just beer consumers anymore; in India, they’re leading the brewing business too. Beer  has always been a woman’s best friend. Lesser-known facts state that the beginning of beer’s 5000-year old heritage was natively associated with women, as the first beer recipe in the 1800s was brewed for  the Sumerian goddess of beer – Ninkasi in Mesopotamia. 

This International Women’s Day let’s raise a toast for all the women with their favorite dripping pints of  beer, brewed beer, and some refreshing beer cocktails. What better way than this to mark the onset of  summer, the season of living and breathing kegs of beer!  

Celebrating the spirit of being a woman—the one who plays multiple roles, is the strongest but doesn't  fear falling weak, keeps her head and spirits high in the toughest of times, and likes her poison brewed  and chilled! 
