HospiBuz:- You have worked in India as well as abroad then what made you come back to India and thereafter you decided to join Roseate House New Delhi?
Chef Anuj Wadhawan:- Indian cuisine and flavours pushed me to come back, being an Indian you will always be known to cook Indian food, However having expertise in European cuisine I think I can enhance my culinary skills better in my motherland
HospiBuz:- No matter where we are the essence of Indian food always remains in our hearts, please tell us one thing about India and that you missed in London and Dubai?
Chef Anuj Wadhawan:- Lack of Knowledge for Indian food as people internationally think Indian food is all about curry and spice, but we are way above than that we are a land of spices and diverse flavours
HospiBuz:- As an Executive Chef, you must have a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders. Please tell us about your work cycle at Roseate House New Delhi?
Chef Anuj Wadhawan:- Yes, with the bigger position you always have responsibilities… My day at Roseate House starts at 0800 in the morning with breakfast operations and meeting my guest who is dining at the coffee shop, later which continues till the end of breakfast, which leads to the beginning of our lunch buffet spread. During the afternoon I spend some time with my chefs to discuss day to day operations and also meet the young boys to give them extra education in terms of cooking, a new technique, new trend and all
HospiBuz:- Roseate House has 5 restaurants. Chef, each restaurant’s kitchen must be having different infrastructure and management skills. Please tell us how differently the kitchens are operated and how different are the regulation of these kitchens?
Chef Anuj Wadhawan:- I have 4 kitchens in the hotel which also cater to various food outlet
1. DEL Coffee shop (all-day dining)
→ In-Room Dining
→ Chidiya Ghar (Bar)
→ Roseated by Roseate (English patisserie)
→ Upstage Cinema Hall
2. Kheer Indian Specialty restaurant
3. Tara (Japanese Roof Top Restaurant)
4. Banquet Kitchen
Certainly, each kitchen is being designed keeping the restaurant concept in mind and yes skills set are always different. As a coffee shop required a multi-skilled chef who can be useful in different areas and it is a 24*7 restaurant so you need responsible chefs who can deliver the same result when you are not there.
Where in banquet you need a chef who can cook in huge quantities and deliver the same result of taste as back to back events in banquets the consistency have to be spot on With the speciality restaurant, the team has to be crisp well versed through the practical and theoretical knowledge
HospiBuz:- DEL is famous for its changed menu at every meal. Please tell us how is its menu designed and does the menu changes as per the demand of the customers?
Chef Anuj Wadhawan:- yes we do listen to the demand of your Guest and then we design the menu we are into the 3rd year of hotel operations and we are about to launch the 3rd new menu for our Coffee shop, In-Room Dining and Chidiya Ghar (bar)
HospiBuz:- Kheer is a complete package with a live tandoor, street food counter, wine cellar, DJ deck and drinks counter. Please tell us how important is the ambience, music and food styling along with the taste of the food?
Chef Anuj Wadhawan:- time and demand impacts a lot, Guest wants Experience which comes with the combination of Ambience, Music, Food Styling, but the biggest factor is the TASTE which is appreciated by all our guest and therefore promises consistent footfall in the restaurant
HospiBuz:- You have conceptualized and designed menus for DEL, Kheer, Chidya Ghar Bar, Tara and Roasted by Roseate. Please tell us how differently the menu for the restaurants of Hotel Roseate designed and what things did you keep in mind before conceptualizing the menu?
Chef Anuj Wadhawan:-Taste, flavour, texture, colour are the most important factor along with the seasonal availability from farms are the key area that is looked into
HospiBuz:- Different cuisines require different temperature regulation and different infrastructure. Therefore the luxurious hotels have varieties of kitchen regulated by a major kitchen. Please tell us how many kitchens does a hotel generally have and how are they regulated?
Chef Anuj Wadhawan:- the above applies in case of larger inventories, but with the roseate house, each of our restaurants has their own kitchen
HospiBuz:- Chef, please tell us about the training which is given in the hotels to the trainees to make them flexible enough to handle various situations?
Chef Anuj Wadhawan:- we as an organization have structured training centre wherein we take care of theoretical and practical aspect, I personally ensure that training is regularized
HospiBuz:- Please tell us about your passion for cycling and your Chef’s Cycling Club?
Chef Anuj Wadhawan:- I have a very hectic schedule but I still follow my passion which lies in cycling and I also encourage my fellow chefs. it’s an open forum where all the chefs can gather and share their experiences while keeping the fitness at a topmost priority which is essential in today's polluted environment
Read also:-
Wisdom Diary of a Responsible Chef