Uncommonly Made, Uncommonly Good


What do you love about pastries? How did you develop your interest in baking?

Mariya Kagalwala:- Chocolates and pastries are something which fascinated me from my kiddo days. This attraction had made me fix a decision to have a future in hotel management with pastries as specialization! 

What are your core principles regarding Choco-liiicious and why did you decide to name your venture Choco-liiicious? 

Mariya Kagalwala:- The name Choco-liiicious just came by chance and are the basis of specifications is perfect customization of the customer’s demands and a proper clean product made in a clean environment. 

The borders between sweet and savoury are melting. Desserts are becoming less sweet and often they are created using ingredients which were in the past not used for creating desserts. What is your most unusual combination? 

Mariya Kagalwala:- Guava chocolate experiment turned out to be a super hit. 

You call yourself a cake artist and sassy pastry chef, what is the reason behind that and how important is it to be an artist to become a successful baker? 

Mariya Kagalwala:- Sassy is fancy, chic, Innovative, a bunch of ideas, art, experimentation and the last satisfaction. These all features have to be put in preparing every single cake I make. Everyone wants something new and if my art and decorations can fulfil their requirements it’s satisfaction for both of us. 


Congratulations for being the first very few bakers who are making Cakesicles, please tell us from where and how did you get the idea of making such beautiful Cakesicles? 

Mariya Kagalwala:- Mishmash bakery, Mumbai is my inspiration and it was from Shikha herself that I learnt the art of Cakesicles. Joonie Tan also inspires me. Cakesicles is not very popular amongst people but nowadays as I am delivering I am getting a super good response too. 

As a baker, how different is baking and decorating a cake compared to baking and decorating cupcakes? 

Mariya Kagalwala:- Both are different fields. But my passion drives me easily through both of them. 

Do you prefer using airbrush and its colour while doing cake decoration and what is your favourite brand of airbrush and its colour? 

Mariya Kagalwala:- Yes I do prefer airbrush. Not always as I myself like to use my art skills on the cakes personally designing them by hand. Colour choice and combinations are all set in personal discussions with the client. 

